Shine Bright
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Evaluation and management of developmental and behavioral conditions:

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (Screening, Evaluation, Diagnosis, and Management)

  • Developmental Delays: Language/Speech, Fine motor/Gross motor, Cognition/problem solving, and Social Emotional Regulation

  • ADHD, with a special interest in complex presentations:

    • Children with co-existing developmental delay or learning disability

    • Preschool-Aged children with impairing symptoms

    • Children with co-existing conditions like anxiety, sleep disorders, and tics

    • Treatment-Refractory ADHD

NICU Follow Up Developmental Assessments

• Behavioral and Developmental Needs of Children with Genetic Syndromes (Down Syndrome and others) and other chronic medical conditions (spina bifida, cerebral palsy)

Frequently Asked Questions

How do initial consultations work?

Initial consultation takes place over 2-3 visits, typically 1 hour per visit. Dr. Mittal prides herself in being thorough during evaluations and developing relationships with patients and their families.

  • VISIT 1: Comprehensive History

At the first visit, a comprehensive history is taken to review your child’s medical, developmental, educational, behavioral and family background. We will also review any previous evaluations your child has had. A detailed plan of action will be created to address your specific areas of concern. This will include gathering additional information with parent/teacher surveys and determining what diagnostic developmental and behavioral testing would be most helpful. Your child does not need to be present, although they are always welcome! 

  • VISIT 2: Developmental Testing

At the second visit, we use standardized developmental testing tools to evaluate your child’s learning profile. Psychological assessment surveys are reviewed and interpreted with you. A complete medical examination is conducted and laboratory tests/imaging studies ordered as needed. 

  • VISIT 3: Diagnosis and Treatment plan

After all of the information is compiled and analyzed, a comprehensive diagnosis and treatment plan is created and reviewed together during the third visit. You will be provided with a detailed report to share with your child’s medical and educational team.


The need for follow up visits will be discussed and scheduled as necessary.

What do I tell my child about his/her upcoming appointment?

We believe in being direct and honest with your child. This is a sample script adapted from the Center of Developing Minds. Letting your child know this information in advance can alleviate some anxiety prior to the appointment.

Pretty soon you will be going to a clinic that will be a little different than most pediatricians offices you’ve been to. The doctors here are going to be talking to you about school, what you like and don’t like, your friends, and even your relationship with your family members. We are bringing you to this doctor because we want you to be happy, healthy, and successful. These doctors don’t give shots, but they will do a checkup just like what you get when you go to other doctors. These doctors will do different types of activities, like word games, puzzles, reading, and writing. Some activities maybe easier than others; all we ask is that you try your best. Many kids have had this done. Some kids are a little afraid or nervous before they come in, but when they go home they realize that they had fun and that they learned something about how to do better in school. At the end of the visit we’ll talk to you and your parents, both together and maybe separately .We will try not to keep any secrets from you! We will tell you everything we found out. Then we will talk about ways to help you do better in school. You will be able to ask any questions you want. We can’t wait to meet you and help you on your journey!

Will Dr. Mittal prescribe my child medications?

For some children, medication therapy maybe helpful in conjunction with behavioral interventions and lifestyle modification. Dr. Mittal is an expert clinician with experience in medication treatment of complex ADHD and conditions associated with autism spectrum disorder and developmental delays. Dr. Mittal is knowledgable about a wide range of alternative and complimentary treatments such as CBD oil, neurofeedback, red dye avoidance, and dietary changes. She makes recommendations based on the latest scientific evidence and will advise families about the potential risks and benefits for other treatments. If a medication is prescribed, it can be sent electronically to your preferred pharmacy.